Sunday, February 19, 2012

Chunky Monkey's First Bath

This post is a few days late, but I had other things to post about so these have been on the back-burner.  Matt probably would rather that I wait to post these pics until he has had some time to do some photo edits on them, but I think they are cute just the way they are (yes, I am totally partial).

Brooklyn was extremely excited for Easton's first bath.  She just loves doing anything that allows her to do something meaningful with her brother.  We decided to get a sling seat that sits in the normal bathtub, rather than using the standard plastic standalone baby bath. 

Easton HATED the sponge baths that he had to take before he could take a legitimate bath. . but has seemed to enjoy his bath now that he can chillax in the warm water a bit more.

Big sister has really enjoyed spending the additional time with her brother. . . especially since bathtime has always been one of her favorite times in the day.

Love these little people. . especially when they are clean and smelling great. :)

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