Monday, May 7, 2012

3 Month Old Update

What / How Is Easton Eating?

Easton has established the fine art of eating.  He eats between 4 and 6 ounces every three hours.  Except at night. . at night he sleeps . . and mama is happy :)

What Does Easton's Schedule Look Like?

Easton typically wakes up at about 6:00 AM, after I am awake and ready and have Brooklyn ready. He typically drinks a bottle right away and is headed towards daycare by 6:45.

He naps sporadically at daycare. .but he's sleeping through the night, so I am okay with no real solid night routine. 
Either Matt or I pick up the kids around 5:45 PM and head home for dinner, sometimes a walk, and any other things we need to complete.

We  stillstart our nighttime routine at about 7:10 when we get the kiddos in the bath, Matt reads some books to Brooklyn, and I feed Easton before laying him down to bed. Both kids now sleep throught he night (have I mentioned how HAPPY I am) and they get about 10 1/2 hours of solid sleep a night.

What Does Easton Love?

A lot of his loves are similar to last month. . .
* Cuddle time with mommy or daddy

* Bathtime with Brooklyn

* His Swing - He loves watching the birds spinning around and his reflection in the mirror

* Music

* Being outside

What Has Easton Learned This Month?

* He's become the smiliest little boy in the past month.  Love him - love his smiley face :)

What Do I Want To Remember About This Month?

I want to remember how sweet my baby boy has become.  He's so sweet and adorable . . and his giggles melt my heart.

Sibling Encounters

Brooklyn loves to make her "bubby" smile.  She is adorable with him and he adores her too. 

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